Tuesday, August 13, 2013

When you take a walk down memory lane
and realized how different things are
Sometimes it scares me.


If I knew then
what I knew now
I would've done it differently.

It is as scary as it can get
Whenever you are offered 2 choices,
Take a chance.

Take a leap
Don't worry too much.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

No more

I hope I could find back your joy
and hand it back to you.

I hope I could find back your heart
keep it in the safest treasure box
and hand it back to you.

I hope I could find back your smile
and put it on your face.

I hope I could grab a thousand different colours of paint
and fill your days with colours.

I hope one day,
every pain will heal,
it's ok to have a scar,
it is the evidence of survival,
the prove that you are strong,
you are indeed,
a warrior.