Monday, June 20, 2011

second chance

Well,I've sat for MUET (Malaysian University English Test) during this mid year and I've only gotten a band4. it's neither a low band 4 nor a high band4,but a middle band4 *sigh* so it is really difficult to decide if I should retake it or not. I mean,it's not like I only need a few more marks to get a band5,but another 17 marks.

Truth be told,i'm glad a got a band4 even though based on the exam slip, I only have a "satisfactory command of English". There're only 4 students in the whole Pre-University in my school who got a band5,and most of the students only got a band3.Which i really don't understand because there're so many students who got a band4 or higher in other schools. Anyways, yes i'm glad i got a score higher than 200,which is the minimum score needed for most of the courses. But then,as i think again,why settle for the minimum requirement? Why not just try my luck and give myself a second chance? Even if I were to screw my second attempt in MUET(lets just pray that I won't!), I still have my 203 in hand.

So yeah,i'm giving myself another chance :) and this time,just hope for the best!

Humming to: Planetshakers- How I Love You


  1. Many of them seems that not satisfied with the result and I'm one of them. I was hoping so much for Band 4 yet I just got a band 3, just a middle band 3, screw it! Band 3 is definitely enough for me to go anywhere I want but same with you, I wanted to try my luck again! Therefore, good luck if you were going to sit for it again! And wish me good luck too :)

  2. harm trying.good luck to you too! :)
